
Top Tips for Technology in the Early Years

Early years boy playing with play-dough
Date Published


In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), technology goes way beyond tablets, laptops and computers. Here are some top tips for activities which will support children’s technology skills

Smile! You’re on camera
Demonstrate using a camera to record children’s learning and teach children to do the same. For more advanced learners, teach children to download an image from the internet or use a video recording device to record a weather report or role-play.

Let’s find out more!
Use QR codes in continuous provision for children to hear or read learning intentions for the area. 

How does it work?

Whatever their age, talking about how and why something works encourages children to sequence their thoughts. This will help them to get ready for the Key Stage One computing curriculum.

Patterns, patterns everywhere
Patterns are the precursor for programming and using apps on tablets. Encourage children to make patterns using a wide range of resources. Model and ask children to describe the pattern. What comes next? Encourage children to follow then develop multi-step patterns and routines.

Bugs in the system
Change words in nursery rhymes and encourage children to identify when they don’t sound right. This will help them to identify bugs in computer programs later.

Encourage children to sequence events, routines or events of a story. This will help them with algorithms and computing as they progress. 

Wide as the Ocean
Involve parents in understanding what technology looks like in the EYFS and gathering evidence from activities at home from a wide range of situations. 

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