Ways to wellbeing award
Get in touchThe Ways to Wellbeing award has been designed to support schools to improve wellbeing.
It will support schools to prepare for and deliver the statutory implementation of Relationships (and Sex) Education and Health Education from September 2020 and the proposed changes to the Ofsted framework.
Based on our extensive experience of delivering award programmes, Ways to Wellbeing provides a robust approach to auditing current practice and making improvements in your school. Throughout the programme, you will be able to access expert guidance from our experienced consultants.
The process begins with the Health Check, a comprehensive audit of current provision. A member of the team will visit your school or offer virtual support to complete the Health Check document. Through this professional discussion, we will identify good practice and provide guidance to address gaps in your provision. The completed audit document will provide up to date and valuable evidence including for Ofsted.
The next step is to identify a couple of themes for your school to work on. The themes are:
- Action Against Bullying - resources to help support positive relationships throughout your school community.
- Relationships/Relationships and Sex Education - focusing on families and people who care for me (Pr), families (Sec), caring relationships (Pr), respectful relationships (Pr), online relationships (Pr), respectful relationships including friendships (Sec), online and media (Sec), being safe, intimate sexual relationships including sexual health (Sec).
- Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing - focusing on mental wellbeing, internet safety and harms, emotional health and wellbeing, staff wellbeing.
- Health Education - focusing on physical health and fitness, healthy eating, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, health and prevention, basic first aid, changing adolescent body.
- Citizenship - focusing on democracy, diversity, rights and responsibilities, sustainability & environment, being a global citizen, campaigning and volunteering.
- PSHE - focusing on finance, safety education (rail, road, water, online), enterprise and careers.
For your chosen theme you will receive a comprehensive toolkit containing a theme audit, action plan template, policy checklist and other guidance. Using these tools, you will be able to assess your school's provision and gaps in the chosen area and write an action plan to implement over the next 12 months. Email support from our consultants will be available.
Once the action plan has been implemented you will be able to apply for accreditation. This will be an electronic submission of your final plan with evidence of progress. Our expert panel will assess your submission and once approved your school will be awarded the Ways to Wellbeing Award logo and certificate.
For more information
For more information on our Ways to Wellbeing Award, please contact us.
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