Inspiring limitless learning with a hands-on computing curriculum

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words.


We’ve supported Yew Tree Primary School in developing and rolling out their digital learning strategy, helping staff become more confident and embedding the use of technology across the curriculum.

Challenge: Developing a comprehensive digital learning strategy 

Yew Tree is a large, thriving primary school in Sandwell with nearly 650 children between the ages of three and 11. Recognising the importance of technology in driving better educational outcomes, the school had invested heavily in infrastructure and training, aiming to enhance learning both within and beyond the classroom. Pupils from Year 2 for example, benefit from the allocation and loan of individual devices to support their learning beyond the school day.

However, the school faced significant challenges. Computing lessons were limited to only one hour per week, there was a history of tried – and failed – computing schemes, and the software was inconsistently used throughout the school. The issues left staff struggling to confidently and effectively deliver a comprehensive computing curriculum.

Having previously worked with our team, the headteacher tasked us with revitalising Yew Tree’s digital learning strategy.

Solution: Whole school training and development

We stepped in from the summer term of 2021until spring 2023, training and supporting teachers and staff on the Entrust computing scheme of work and the Just2Easy (J2E) tool suite. We hit the ground running with an initial staff inset, introducing the new technology, outlining Yew Tree’s continuous professional development (CPD) plan, and emphasising the importance of a clear and cohesive digital strategy. Key actions included: 

  • Specialised training plan: Our consultant worked with the school’s computing lead to develop a specialised training plan that promoted the quick and easy adoption of the new platform and tools.
  • Comprehensive staff training: We delivered both whole school and individual staff training, including one-on-one support, coaching and mentoring. Staff were given actionable tasks after each support session to ensure accountability for improvements. They were also provided with time to deliver lessons, reflect on their learning and delivery and report any issues before progressing to the next stages of learning.
  • Leadership support: Senior leaders and Yew Tree’s computing lead were supported every step of the way towards a local authority inspection – and subsequently a successful Ofsted inspection – where computing was chosen by the school as a deep dive subject.
  • Long-term planning: We devised a long-term plan and provided a rolling programme for the next few years to build up learners’ skills and prepare them for their next steps in computing education.

Results: Instilling a love of learning, cultivating excellence and award-winning recognition 

As staff skills improved, so did their confidence. For the first time there was a real sense of enthusiasm around the school about the use of technology, and teachers began to look for as many opportunities as possible to embed technology and the Just2Easy tool suite in other lessons as well. This excitement was contagious and had a domino effect: staff who were not receiving support were keen to get involved and those who had received support were eager to assist others. Most importantly, pupils thrived, benefitting from the enhanced skills and enthusiasm of their teachers.

Headteacher Jamie Barry remarked, “Our adoption of the Entrust computing scheme of work and Just2Easy has been the best decision we’ve made due to the impact it’s had on the quality of our computing curriculum. We now have a sequenced and well-structured curriculum with all the software we need to teach it. Our staff have further developed the use of this software to go well beyond computing, using it to support other areas of the curriculum too.”

He added: “Our decision to adopt J2E was coupled with a commitment to the professional development of our staff using the support services from Entrust. This has been, quite simply, outstanding. Our consultant is extremely skilled and knowledgeable and has supported us immensely in our journey to develop strength in our computing curriculum. Not only does she understand the technical aspects of teaching a computing curriculum, but she understands what good quality teaching and learning looks like. This has resulted in her bridging the gap between teachers and technical staff to ensure high quality outcomes for our children.”

In May 2023, Yew Tree Primary applied for – and received – a NAACEMark award in computing, due to consistent and coherent planning and a clear progression of pupil skills. According to the assessor, “plenty of input and instruction” has resulted in well supported staff “with no fear of failure”.

Creating a fearless learning environment

The transformation of Yew Tree Primary School demonstrates the power of comprehensive training and strategic planning in fostering a love of learning. In a school environment, achieving a fearless approach to technology is possibly the best result one could hope for.

Are you looking to enhance your school’s digital learning strategy? 

Our expert team is here to help: Contact our digital services team today to learn how we can support your journey to a more effective and inspiring computing curriculum. Make an Enquiry | Entrust (