DfE Funded School Resource Management Webinars
On behalf of the Department for Education (DfE), Entrust has delivered school resource management training to schools across England for the last four years.
We have delivered an ongoing series of live webinars to help schools meet their teaching and learning ambitions with the financial resources available to them. The webinars help integrate curriculum goals and financial resource management into one approach - providing a holistic and proactive way of planning and using resources efficiently, as well as ensuring collaborative decision making across the whole leadership team.
We’ve delivered over 18,650 hours of training that has provided schools with the knowledge and tools they need to quantify areas of inefficiency, diagnose the causes and then enable informed decision-making to ensure effective school resource management.
If you would like a refresher on last year’s sessions (Round 4), recordings of the webinars can be found below. If you have any questions about effective school resource management, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Find out more about School Resource Management and book to attend our latest webinars (Round 5) at: www.schoolresourcemanagement.co.uk
View last year's webinars...
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